Laureate of the Senior Innovation Chair of the Institut Universitaire de France
Alexandre Loupy

IPTA Future Leaders Career Development Award
Julien Hogan

Award for the top 8 abstract, ERA-EDTA
Esteban Cortes Gracia

Young Investigator Award, ATC
Valentin Goutaudier

Young Investigator Award, ATC
Alessia Giarraputo

Young Investigator Award, ATC
Gillian Divard

Young Investigator Award, ATC
Zeynep Demir

Young Investigator Award, ATC
Marc Raynaud

2017 / 2019 / 2021

Award of the ESOT European Society for Organ Transplantation
(most impactful research team)
PTG Team


MIT & Stanford University: Challenges and Opportunities in Organ Allocation
Alexandre Loupy

Leonardo da Vinci, ESOT
Marc Raynaud

US National Academies of Sciences –committee
Alexandre Loupy

Award of the best presentation, AI in Medicine
Marc Raynaud

Émergence en Recherche Award, IdEx Paris University
& ville de Paris Award


Paul I Terasaki Clinical Sciences Award
Alexandre Loupy

Prix des Innovateurs Ile De France Award
Alexandre Loupy


Young Investigator Award ESOT
Olivier Aubert

CEOT Young Investigator Award
Julien Hogan


French National Academy of Medicine Award: Grand prix de L’Académie de Médecine
Alexandre Loupy

ESPN Best abstract award
Julien Hogan


Clinical science investigator award: American Society of Transplantation
Alexandre Loupy

American Society of Transplantation investigator Award
Alexandre Loupy


French Society of Nephrology Award
Alexandre Loupy


Gold Medal of the Paris Hospital
Olivier Aubert


Young Investigator Award: European Society for Organ Transplantation
Alexandre Loupy


Laureate of the gold medal of Paris Hospitals (APHP) Alexandre Loupy