The "Paris Institute for Transplantation & Organ Regeneration" (PITOR)

Is focused on the field of transplantation and organ regeneration. Its goal is to bring together research in transplantation and regenerative medicine within the University of Paris Cité, primarily leveraging data sciences and artificial intelligence. The Institute aims to strengthen collaborations and training between research teams and clinical teams from all medical and surgical specialties to promote interdisciplinarity and undertake ambitious projects. This institute brings together teams and transplant specialists from all over France, and the Paris Transplant Group team is actively involved in the development of PITOR.
Research Focus
The Institute’s research activities are structured around four key axes:
- Understanding and Treating
- Diagnosing and Monitoring
- Optimizing Organ Procurement, Preservation, and Allocation
- Organoids and Organ-on-a-Chip
These axes are deployed across six thematic areas:
- Multidimensional Multi-Organ Cohorts
- Biomarkers and Immunology
- Organ Procurement, Resuscitation, and Perfusion
- Tissue Engineering and Precision Medicine
- Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence
- Social Sciences and Public Health.

Pursuing Innovation and Multidisciplinarity
Through a comprehensive approach to transplantation and a focus on improving the patient’s transplant journey and graft outcomes, the Institute allows numerous research units within the University of Paris Cité perimeter and in collaboration with INSERM, CNRS, and Institut Pasteur, as well as institutions outside University of Paris Cité such as the University of Paris Saclay and Sorbonne University, to pool their resources.