Daniel Yoo

Dr Daniel Yoo, PhD, is a postdoctoral researcher at INSERM U970.

He joined the Paris Transplant Group in 2018.

He obtained a Mathematics degree in BSc at the University of Alberta, Canada. Daniel defended Methodology and Statistics in Biomedical Research for his Master’s degree at the Université Paris-Saclay, France, in 2019. Daniel Yoo received his PhD in Biostatistics from the University of Paris Cité in 2023.


His research is focused on integrating machine learning and algorithmic automation into transplantation medicine. Daniel is involved in the European Union grant project “Building Resilience Against crisis: a systematic and global approach to adVancE organ Safety and supply in Transplantation (BRAVEST), » leading Work Package (WP) 3.3 as a biostatistician and data scientist.