Dina Zielinski
Dina Zielinski is a bioinformatician and research affiliate of the Paris Transplant Group from 2019 to 2023.
Dina Zielinski studied biology and French at NYU where she received her bachelor’s degree. She started her career as a molecular biologist at the Whitehead Institute/MIT and later joined the New York Genome Center and Columbia University where she worked on bridging molecular and computational strategies in human genetics.
While at the Institut Curie, she completed her MSc in bioinformatics at the Université de Paris and is now completing her PhD at Sorbonne Université. Since joining PTG, she has worked on implementing molecular-based diagnosis of allograft rejection and, under the guidance of Pr. Loupy, established the International Consortium for Diagnostics and Outcomes in Transplantation (ICDOT) to validate the application of tissue based molecular testing in transplant care.